Tags in the core
There are plenty of tags included with the CMSMS core. Some of them are demonstrated here, for any questions as to the parameters they can take or anything else please see the Tags Help.
- Syntax used
{anchor anchor='here' text='Scroll Down' class='myclass' title='mytitle' tabindex='1' accesskey='s'}
- Display
- Creates a link to an anchor on the same page. Used for example for the ^Top link at the bottom of this page.
- Syntax used
{cms_breadcrumbs root='Home'}
- Display
- Breadcrumbs are a navigational technique displaying all visited pages leading from the home page to the currently viewed page. You find it under the header on this page.
- Syntax used
{cms_module module='somemodulename' param1='something' param2=true}
- Display
- This tag is used to insert modules into your templates and pages. Used for any module that you download. In the default templates, wrapper tags are used for inserting modules though. That is, a tag is made to insert a cms_module tag.
- Syntax used
{cms_selflink page="1"}
or{cms_selflink page="alias"}
- Display
- Creates a link to another CMSMS content page inside your template or content. Can also be used for external links with the ext parameter.
- Example
- Link to the modules page
- This is an external link to the CMS Made Simple website
- Syntax used
- Display
- Displays current version number of CMS Made Simple.
- Example
- See the footer on this page.
- Syntax used
- Display
- Displays current version name of CMS Made Simple.
- Example
- See the footer on this page.
- Syntax used
{current_date format="%A %d-%b-%y %T %Z"}
- Display
- Prints the current date and time.
- Example
- sâmbãtã 04-ian-25 17:25:56 EST
- Syntax used
{embed url="http://www.cmsmadesimple.org"}
- Display
- Enable inclusion (embeding) of any other application into the CMS. The most usual use could be a forum.
- Syntax used
{global_content name='footer'}
- Display
- Inserts a Global Content Block (previously known as HTML blob) into your template or page. The code for the footer of this page is in a Global Content Block.
- Syntax used
- Display
- Prints the menu text of the page.
- Example
- Tags in the core
- Syntax used
{modified_date format="%A %d-%b-%y %T %Z"}
- Display
- Prints the date and time the page was last modified.
- Example
- luni 31-aug-20 11:35:57 EDT
- Syntax used
- Display
- Creates a link to only the content of the page.
- Example
- {CMSPrinting}
- Syntax used
- Display
- Prints out a sitemap.
- Example
- Acasa
- Produse
- Accesorii baie
- Accesorii bucatarie
- Accesorii pentru blat de bucatarie
- Cos gunoi mobila
- Cos rufe
- Cos rotativ de colt
- Cos sertar
- Cos inferior si superior sub chiuveta
- Cosuri Jolly
- Depozitare exterioara
- Inaltator blat
- Plinta bucatarie
- Plita Bucatarie
- Prize bucatarie
- Scurgator - picurator
- Suport blat pal sticla
- Suport pahare
- Tava sertar tacamuri
- COSURI JOLLY culisante pentru bucatarii
- Accesorii plastic pentru compartimentari de grupuri sanitare cabine toalete
- Accesorii mobilier
- Cant termo
- Elemente ansamblare coltare
- Finn - sistem modular de compartimentare
- Suport pasla mobilier
- urubelnite pneumatice, cap surubelnite, chei
- Suport CD
- Suport pantaloni si cravate
- Suport polita
- Trecere cablu
- Bara haine
- Broasca yala
- Console pentru mobila
- Feronerie mobila
- Feronerie pat rabatabil
- Folie decorativa autoadeziva
- Mese de calcat
- Balamale feronerie canapele si somiere
- Suport pantaloni si cravate
- Suport polita
- Suport pantofar
- Balamale
- Depozitare exterioara
- Glisiera
- Amortizor pentru sertar glisiera sau metabox
- Glisiere cu bile
- Glisiere sine sertar
- Glisiere perete din pal
- Glisiere perete metalic
- Metalbox
- Orgaline
- Organizare sertar pentru dosare
- Picior mobila
- Rame aluminiu
- Mecanism masa extractibil
- Sisteme glisare sertare
- Scurgator
- SIsteme corpuri suspendate
- SIsteme usi glisante
- Spoturi iluminat/spoturi luminoase/corpuri de iluminat
- Sistem de expunere pentru magazine
- Manere
- Contact
- Comanda
- Lista de pret
- Catalog
- Oferte
Pagina precedentă: Tags
Pagina următoare: User Defined Tags